Step by step to the right solution

We support our customers from the initial idea to the successful product. With many years of experience and a high level of quality management, we automate manufacturing processes and make your production future-proof.


Our engineers and scientists advise you on your product idea, processes or technologies. With many years of experience, we evaluate the market environment for you and prepare risk analyses. Together with you, we develop a Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and point out potential weak points in good time - turning the idea into a successful product.

IMSTec entwickelt maßgeschneiderte Prozesse mit höchster Qualität

Process development & project phase planning

At any point within your product development, we can support you. Through our optimized processes we guide our customers through all project phases and customize them to the individual problems. Our project phases are divided into:

  • Requirements analysis
  • Design & feasibility studies
  • Process development
  • Installation & validation
Automatische Produktionsanlage für orthopädische Implantate und medizintechnische Anwendungen

Plant engineering

We develop modular production systems that can be optimally adapted to temporary customer and production situations, similar to a construction kit. Modules can be added, exchanged or removed. They can also be upgraded with a microenvironment, resulting in a significant cost reduction compared to the operation of a classic cleanroom.

Automatisches Be- und Entladen von orthopädischen Implantaten, Kniegelenke auf Greifer


By involving product development at an early stage, we support our customers through all validation phases and offer the appropriate, individual process solution in timely manner and parallel to subsequent production. The certification requirements of the FDA and GMP form the basis of our process developments. The manufacturing of medical products - even under clean room conditions - is performed in close cooperation with our customer. In this way, we enable successful implementation that is reduced by project risks.

IMSTec nimmt Anlagen in Betrieb und unterstützt Kunden bei der Validierung | © Mike Dielhenn


We supply more than just a system - in close cooperation we also support our customers along the service life. Smooth and safe production is our top priority. Our team of technicians and engineers ensures fast support. Even during process and plant development, you will be supported by your own contact person. If you have any questions, we provide the answers.